
University of Brescia

The research group belongs to the Chemistry for Technologies (C4T) Laboratory of UniBS. To enhance the understanding of materials properties and behaviours is the primary aims of C4T Lab. In particular, in the last years, a lot of efforts have been dedicated to rethink waste as resources/materials and to handle the issues related to N/MPs. C4T Lab is involved in different national and international projects and interlaboratory studies in the frame of the VAMAS organization devoted to prenormative research. The PLASTCATS Coordinator, Stefania Federici, is Action Chair of the COST Action CA20101 “Plastics monitoring detection remediation recovery - PRIORITY”, started in October 2021 (duration 4 years). The aim of the Action is the engagement of European and international scientists in the discussion about N/MPs issues, as the assessment of their exposure and biological effects, and the possible remediation and recovery practises. The network of the Action is now engaging more than 480 researchers from 48 countries.

The role of UniBS is the preparation and characterization of true-to-life test materials, both in the range of micro and nanoscale fragments, towards a development of a methodological pathway for micro- and nanoplastics in biological interactions, and the investigation of the bio- and eco-corona.


CNR will participate with researchers from two institutes: Institute for chemical-physical processes (IPCF) in Messina, coordinated by Donatella Spadaro, and Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) in Napoli, coordinated by Rachele Castaldo, bringing two different yet highly interconnected expertise.


IPCF carries out interdisciplinary research on chemical-physics, light-matter interaction, advanced spectroscopies, nano-optics sensors, nanostructured materials, colloids, bio-interfaces and biosystems. IPCF contributes to PLASTACTS with its expertise in Raman, SERS spectroscopy and and optical trapping for advanced molecular detection in liquid environments. In these fields IPCF participates in several national and European projects. 

The role of CNR-IPCF is to develop SERS-based techniques for the detection of M/NPs and surface contaminant layers and to carry out detection and identification of N/MPs in organic digested media via microRaman and Raman Tweezers techniques.


IPCB develops research mainly in three broad areas of materials science: I) innovative materials, II) health and nano-medicine, III) sustainability. IPCB team has a wide expertise on the identification, quantification and analysis of MPs, particularly those released from synthetic textiles, on the study of the property/structure relationships of plastic substrates, to determine the main factors affecting MPs release, on development of analytical procedures to identify and quantify MPs in complex matrices including organisms and on the development of innovative mitigation strategies to reduce pollution from macro, meso and microplastics. 

The role of CNR-IPCB is mainly focused on the preparation of MPFs model samples; selection of N/MPs; development of analytical procedures to characterize model and real N/MPs using a multitechnique approach based on the application of conventional and advance techniques.

University of Trento

The research unit belongs to the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIE) of UniTN. DIE research objectives regard the structure of materials; their features and applications; new materials and technologies; automation systems of processes and machineries; energy production and storage; the design and implementation of mechanical/electronic integrated devices, with specific functions in innovative applications; the optimization of products and processes. DIE cooperates with various national and international research institutions, and is engaged in basic and applied research projects, with a strong connection to the industrial world ( PLASTACTS activities are developed in various laboratories, in particular Polymers and Composites Lab , Processing Lab, Mechanical Testing Lab, Materials Characterization Lab, Microstructural analysis Lab.

The role of UniTN mainly relates to the environmental sampling campaign of macro, meso and microplastics cooperating with citizen scientists; controlled fragmentation (artificial ageing); degradation state evaluation by morphological and structure analysis, molecular weight determination, thermal analyses, and rheological tests; mechanical testing on plastics and MPFs.

University of Messina

The research group belongs to the “Department of Veterinary Medicine” and the “Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences” of UniME. The research objectives of the group are related to the safety and quality of food of animal origin. During the last years, particular attention has been focused on the occurrence of microplastics in foods intended for human consumption and their potential risks for consumers. In this regard, the level of contamination in different aquatic and terrestrial organisms commonly consumed has been investigated to evaluate human exposure to microplastics through diet. In addition, the research activity also involved the development of innovative analytical methods for the detection of microplastics in complex matrices such as living organisms thanks to the collaboration with the “Marine Scotland Science Laboratory” and CNR-IPCF.

The role of UniME is the evaluation of the interaction between N/MPs and the selected filter-feeding biota (mussels), through the experimental contamination with true-to-life N/MPs, the evaluation of the uptake, accumulation and egestion of N/MPs in mussels and the final detection of microplastics in a digested complex organic medium.